Is Topical Melatonin Legal in the UK?

Melatonin is a hormone our bodies naturally produce. It’s crucial for regulating sleep patterns. Many people use it to improve sleep quality and combat insomnia. It’s also handy for sorting out your body clock.

In the UK, things changed in October 2021. Oral melatonin became prescription-only. This means you’ll need to see your GP for a prescription if you want melatonin tablets or liquids.

But here’s the good news: topical melatonin products aren’t affected. Creams, patches, and the like? They’re still fair game. You can buy these over the counter or online without any bother.

Our brand, dozywave, offers melatonin patches that fit the bill perfectly. They’re not just melatonin, though. We’ve added other sleep-friendly ingredients to boost their effectiveness.

Fancy giving them a go? Pop over to website about Sleep Patches. You’ll find all the details about our patches, how to use them, and what other customers think. It’s a fuss-free way to potentially improve your kip.